I have finished my work on the blocks in this RR. Here is Darlene's block showing my work on the lower left side of the block. It will be in the mail to her tomorrow a.m.
I enjoyed working in red on her block. You can hardly see in the black block but I filled in a tomato pin cushion that was in print in gold on the black fabric! Striking! Even had the strawberry needle sharpener hanging on it, so of course it is red also. Then a spool of thread on that same part of her block is now in red and the needle is threaded and ready to sew.
On the left side the print of that part of her block holds many sewing tools. Such a cute print and so perfect for this RR. I gave all the sewing tools a red handle, so now they are personally hers. Also I embellished the seams all around that part of the block that I had work on. Red of course. Guess I was thinking of Valentine's day coming up??? Anyway the block just called for more red. I hope she enjoys it. Now all her blocks are at home. I hope to receive mine very soon.