pm (PST)
My newest GGD was born 8/23/07. She lives near Houston, Tx. Therefore we
have not actually seen her yet, but have enjoyed 100's of pictures from her
parents online.
I wanted to make something for her to have all her years to come. So I made
a 28" square wallhanging of pink silk fabric. I put 36 oval printed on silk
pictures of the first 3 months of her life, beginning when she was just
minutes old! I embellished around each picture with different pink trims, and
then did a feather stitch all inbetween the pictures. It is green and there are
pink beads flowering from each stitch. A ruffle of the same pink silk with
pink/green/offwhite cording is the frame all around. I made a booklet and
wrote who I am and that I made this for her. I am getting older, and I wanted
to document it, if she does or not ever get to know me.
I enjoyed making this very much. It took more hours than I could count, but
was so relaxing to make something like this for her. Great Grand Children
are such a blessing from God.
Thank you GGCarol!
Carol the wall hanging is so beautiful and brought tears to my eyes! I am so happy that Addison has such a great gift from her great grandmother!!!
Hi Carol, I am leaving this comment to let you know that I have tagged you on my blog for a "Make My Day Award".
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